What Is the Antioch Church of Christ?

Gary Greene
February 28, 2024

This congregation is a group of people drawn together by a common faith in Jesus Christ for the purposes of worship and service.  

We are a free fellowship in that anyone who chooses may be a part of it. Yet it is more than a voluntary association (such as a lodge or fraternity).

When one becomes a Christian he also becomes a member of Christ's church. He is then obligated to be in active fellowship with those of like precious faith. This congregation therefore is not just the product of our own decisions, but is a creation by God.

As scripture says, "And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved" (Acts 2:47).  THE CHURCH'S MEMBERS WEAR NO NAME BUT "CHRISTIAN." That does not mean we have attained to everything this name represents—we do have shortcomings.

But, as the name implies, we are in fellowship with Christ so that what is lacking in one's life can be supplied by the power of the Spirit. In other words, we recognize our own weaknesses but as Christians we rely on HIS strength.

Since we are a divine-human fellowship, we can acknowledge the likeliness of our humanity to err but still believe that our divine leader can and will use us to promote his kingdom.

He empowers us to continue his work through our service to others and through proclamation of the Good News.  We believe the scriptures teach us to be a FREE, INDEPENDENT, SELF-GOVERNING CONGREGATION with Christ alone as head and, therefore, no denominational affiliation or earthly headquarters.

We do recognize a closeness to other churches of Christ. But each congregation is free to study, teach and work locally as directed only by the Lord through the Bible.

It is our desire for our church policies and practices to agree perfectly with the scriptures. We deplore the religious division that has resulted from the establishing of denominations and creed books and we pray for the time when all professed Christians shall divest themselves of any humanly devised barriers and enter into the unity of the faith that is found in Christ.

 This church does not exist to fulfill selfish purposes. Rather we follow the example of Christ who came to serve mankind and give his life as a ransom (Matthew 20:28).

To the extent we are able, we help financially and bodily TO CONTINUE CHRIST'S SERVICE both locally and throughout the world. We pray the Father for more laborers in his vineyard here in East Contra Costa County so that we may serve him better and his children more.  

[This is intended to be a brief introduction for those unfamiliar with churches of Christ. It should not be considered a doctrinal or creedal statement. Nor should it be considered exhaustive. The policies and practices of our congregation are guided solely by the Bible.]

Written By
Gary Greene