What To Expect When You Visit

Gary Greene
February 28, 2024

In the scriptures, we have found instruction and example of what God desires in worship. Our meetings are filled with singing, prayer, and teaching, and every Sunday we participate in the Lord's Supper.

When prayers are led, you are encouraged to think the words and thoughts in your own mind. Let the words of the leader become your words as we all praise God and ask for his blessings.

 We have congregational singing - everyone singing together. All are encouraged to participate. Our emphasis is on praising God with the fruit of our lips and making melody in our hearts as is indicated in the scriptures (Hebrews 13:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16).

Therefore we do not use musical instruments to accompany our singing.   One of the central parts of our worship each week is the Lord’s Supper.

We partake of this communion service every Sunday because it is an avenue of worship provided by God that enables us to reflect on the meaning of Christ’s death just as the early church did (Acts 20:7).

This is commanded by God (Matthew 26:26-28, First Corinthians 11:23-26) but should be practiced not as a duty, but as a loving remembrance and faith building response to God's gracious gift.

 When the contribution is taken our guests are not expected to give. Any gift you do contribute would be gladly accepted and used in God's work, but you should also remember to give to your home congregation.

Our local members are asked and expected to contribute to support the Lord’s work here. The amount contributed is entirely up to the individual making the contribution.

During the sermon a message will be shared from Scripture. It is important for us to study God’s word and learn His message for our lives today. We want our lives and our worship to bring glory to God.  

At the end of the sermon an invitation will be extended. The preacher will be expressing Jesus’ invitation for you to accept the offer of salvation. You might realize a need for baptism or perhaps you have already been baptized but have not lived a changed life.

If someone does request baptism, upon their statement of belief we will immediately perform the baptism. If one who has already been baptized is confessing the need for a changed life, we will pray for God’s forgiveness, guidance and strength to renew their place with him (as is taught in Acts 8:22-24).

  If you witness a baptism at our building, it will be by immersion in water, for the forgiveness of sins.

This follows the teaching of the first century church. When a person is baptized, their sins are forgiven and they are added to the Lord's Body (see separate article, “What About Salvation?” for more info regarding baptism.).

[This is intended to be a brief introduction to our worship practices for those unfamiliar with churches of Christ. It should not be considered a doctrinal or creedal statement. Nor should it be considered exhaustive. It is our desire for our worship practices to agree with scripture.]

Written By
Gary Greene